How to Clip Your Dog's Nails
Clipping your dogs nails doesn't have to be scary and it something that must be done.
One day you are comfortably sitting on your sofa, and you heard a clicking sound. You see your dog walking on a hard surface and making that sound due to overgrown nails. That means it is time to clip your dog's nails. Overgrown nails are not only painful but also cause serious posture and spinal problems.
Nail clipping or trimming is necessary unless your dog is very active and spends most of his time on a hard surface.
Clipping your dog nail is important and should be done weekly or at minimum monthly, but you need to know how to easily clip your dog's nails. This process is a bit challenging as this event is full of drama and angst.
You can make the nail trimming process easier for you and your dog by:
- Starting from an early age to get used to
- Give the dog lots of delicious treats and praise during and after this process
- Adopt the correct procedure to clip the nail
1. How to clip your dog nail
Here is a step-by-step guide to trimming your dog's nails:
- Prepare nail clipping equipment such as a dog nail clipper/grinder/scissors, flashlight, and treats. Plier like cutters or electronic grinder work best for beginners.
- Hold your dog in a position where you can control his movement, either on the lap or on the table.
- Define the cutting range of the dog's nail with a flashlight to avoid cuts or injuries. Once you have a clear view of the nail bed, cut the nail on a 45º angle beneath the quick.
- Trim your dog's nails until you can see a white ring with a black dot in the center, take small steps and make your dog comfortable by giving him treats and frequent breaks.
- You can always try the saran wrap with peanut butter trick
- Reward your dog after completing the process.
2. Tips and Tricks
Don’t squeeze your pups toes, it hurts and they won’t like it.
Trim the hair around your pups paws, kiddie hair scissors work well
If you want to shorten your dogs nails you should trim them a little weekly to maintain trimmed paws every 2 weeks works well.
Small clippers provide the best control, you should invest in a larger clipper if you have a huge doggie only.
3. If you cut your dog’s quick
In case of an accident while clipping your pups nails, keep corn starch on hand. Remember your dog cuts won’t clot on there own so you will need to use cornstarch to pack the wound. ( Don’t let this scare you just keep some near by as a precaution)
Final words
Nail clipping or trimming is necessary for the good health and well-being of dogs. You must associate the experience of trimming your dog's nails with a reward to make it enjoyable.