Photo by werner22brigitte from Pixabay
Did you know that your dog's feeding should be following a schedule? Just like humans, your dog needs to eat at regular intervals.
Depending on your dog's age and health, you will want to devise a feeding schedule that supports your dog's diet and nutritional needs.
Adult dogs may only need to eat once a day, but two meals are ideal.
Senior dogs rarely need to vary from the typical adult dog feeding schedule, although the dog's dietary needs change over time.
Puppies require more meals throughout the course of the day. Nursing puppies should be permitted to nurse on demand. As you wean your puppy from milk to dog food, you will need to offer food four or five times per day. Once the puppies are fully weaned and used to the new diet, you may reduce the feeding times to three times a day.
What time should you feed your dog?
Your dog's food should be presented at regular times during the day. The specific time to present your dog's diet is solely up to you, but be certain to establish a schedule.
Avoid dramatically varying your pet's feeding times. For example, if you feed your adult dog before work at about 6:00 AM and then again at 6:00 PM, try to stick with this schedule throughout the week. Do not be surprised if your dog starts getting antsy at 5:45 in the morning in anticipation of breakfast. Your dog's meal is important to him and he is anxiously awaiting its arrival.
Even the treats you hand out as part of your dog's diet will become part of your dog's daily routine. If your dog knows that every morning just before your lunch, you offer a chew bone, he or she will await the daily ritual.
Establishing a feeding schedule helps to keep your dog's diet on track. It is easy to get in the habit of feeding your dog regularly.
Scheduled feeding times will have the added benefit of helping you to predict your dog's elimination schedule. When you are potty training a puppy or housebreaking an adult, it can be helpful to have an idea of when your dog needs to go out. Maintaining a healthy diet and feeding schedule will make your job much easier. This is also very useful when traveling with your dog. If you know to expect your dog's elimination schedule, you will be able to plan appropriate potty stops. In addition, you will know if your dog is feeling stress by changes to his schedule. Try to maintain normalcy and routine as much as possible.
Probably when you think of your dog's diet, you consider what food he consumes, but remember when you present your dog's diet is just as important and your dog will come to expect his daily meals and treats!